4th July 2018 - We were welcomed to #oaksfest2018 to support our local Rugby Team, Plymouth Oaks. We were there for two days, and being so close to home we were able to sleep in our own lovely beds!
The weekend had been an amazing experience, so much to do for Adults and Children including a car show, fair rides, stalls, dog show, bands, music, alcohol, dancing and singing! We had a good show of customers, and had the best weather all weekend, glorious sunshine which always makes our job a lot easier! Due to the weather, we decided to introduce ice coffee to the menu and it was an absolute winner. Delicious and the perfect to drink in the warm weather.
Left the weekend on a high, and we really hope to be able to do it all again next year. This is our year for trial and error, to take every opportunity that came our way and see what works and what doesn't. We have been enjoying the crazy adventure so far and hope it can continue!
Molly and Sophie